REQUIREMENTS: Java SE 6 or higher.

1. Checking the status of your current VM's Galician localization

Once you have downloaded the JAVAGALICIAN distribution zip file and uncompressed it, cd into the distribution directory where the two jar files (javagalician and javagalician-check) are and execute the checks:

$ java -jar javagalician-java6-check-{version}.jar

This will tell you the current status of your VM regarding Galician localization. Normally, it will tell you that neither the 'gl' nor the 'gl_ES' locales are available.

2. Installing

2.1. Installing permanently into your JVM

For installing JAVAGALICIAN, just copy the javagalician-java6-{version}.jar file into your Java virtual machine's extension folder:

  • For a Sun Java JDK: $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
  • For a Sun Java JRE: $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext
  • For an Apple Java JDK/JRE in Mac OS X: /Library/Java/Extensions

2.2. Specifying as parameter on VM start

If you prefer not to install the JAVAGALICIAN file into your VM's folder, you can copy it into any other folder and specify it as a VM parameter:

  $ java -Djava.ext.dirs=$MY_EXTENSIONS_DIR ...

3. After-installation checks

After installing, execute the checks again, as explained above. Everything should be OK and you should receive output similar to this:

        Checking environment...
          > Checking Java version: [1.6.0_11]  [OK]
        Available locales are: [ja_JP, es_PE, en, ja_JP_JP, es_PA, sr_BA, mk, es_GT, ar_AE, 
        no_NO, sq_AL, bg, ar_IQ, ar_YE, hu, pt_PT, el_CY, ar_QA, mk_MK, sv, de_CH, en_US, 
        fi_FI, is, cs, en_MT, sl_SI, sk_SK, it, tr_TR, zh, th, ar_SA, no, en_GB, sr_CS, lt, 
        ro, en_NZ, no_NO_NY, lt_LT, es_NI, nl, ga_IE, fr_BE, es_ES, ar_LB, ko, fr_CA, et_EE, 
        ar_KW, sr_RS, gl, es_US, es_MX, ar_SD, in_ID, ru, lv, es_UY, lv_LV, iw, pt_BR, ar_SY, 
        hr, et, es_DO, fr_CH, hi_IN, es_VE, gl_ES, ar_BH, en_PH, ar_TN, fi, de_AT, es, nl_NL, 
        es_EC, zh_TW, ar_JO, be, is_IS, es_CO, es_CR, es_CL, ar_EG, en_ZA, th_TH, el_GR, 
        it_IT, ca, hu_HU, fr, en_IE, uk_UA, pl_PL, fr_LU, nl_BE, en_IN, ca_ES, ar_MA, es_BO, 
        en_AU, sr, zh_SG, pt, uk, es_SV, ru_RU, ko_KR, vi, ar_DZ, vi_VN, sr_ME, sq, ar_LY, 
        ar, zh_CN, be_BY, zh_HK, ja, iw_IL, bg_BG, in, mt_MT, es_PY, sl, fr_FR, cs_CZ, it_CH,
        ro_RO, es_PR, en_CA, de_DE, ga, de_LU, de, es_AR, sk, ms_MY, hr_HR, en_SG, da, mt, pl, 
        ar_OM, tr, th_TH_TH, el, ms, sv_SE, da_DK, es_HN]
         Checking: gl
        Checking date formatting...
          > Checking full date format: [xoves 31 de decembro de 2009 23H59' CET]  [OK]
          > Checking long date format: [31 de decembro de 2009 23:59:59 CET]  [OK]
          > Checking medium date format: [31-dec-2009 23:59:59]  [OK]
          > Checking short date format: [31/12/09 23:59]  [OK]
        Checking number formatting...
          > Checking decimal number format: [23.124.213,456]  [OK]
          > Checking currency format: [23.124.213,46 €]  [OK]
        Checking collation...
          > Checking word order: [atómico, Átomo, atónito, Átono]  [OK]
        Checking locale naming...
          > Checking country names: [Arxentina, Alemaña, Noruega]  [OK]
          > Checking language names: [castelán, alemán, noruegués]  [OK]
        Checking Time Zone naming...
          > Checking timezone names: [Hora de verán de Europa Central]  [OK]
         Checking: gl_ES
        Checking date formatting...
          > Checking full date format: [xoves 31 de decembro de 2009 23H59' CET]  [OK]
          > Checking long date format: [31 de decembro de 2009 23:59:59 CET]  [OK]
          > Checking medium date format: [31-dec-2009 23:59:59]  [OK]
          > Checking short date format: [31/12/09 23:59]  [OK]
        Checking number formatting...
          > Checking decimal number format: [23.124.213,456]  [OK]
          > Checking currency format: [23.124.213,46 €]  [OK]
        Checking collation...
          > Checking word order: [atómico, Átomo, atónito, Átono]  [OK]
        Checking locale naming...
          > Checking country names: [Arxentina, Alemaña, Noruega]  [OK]
          > Checking language names: [castelán, alemán, noruegués]  [OK]
        Checking Time Zone naming...
          > Checking timezone names: [Hora de verán de Europa Central]  [OK]