REQUIREMENTS: Java SE 6 or higher.
Once you have downloaded the JAVAGALICIAN distribution zip file and uncompressed it, cd into the distribution directory where the two jar files (javagalician and javagalician-check) are and execute the checks:
$ java -jar javagalician-java6-check-{version}.jar
This will tell you the current status of your VM regarding Galician localization. Normally, it will tell you that neither the 'gl' nor the 'gl_ES' locales are available.
For installing JAVAGALICIAN, just copy the javagalician-java6-{version}.jar file into your Java virtual machine's extension folder:
After installing, execute the checks again, as explained above. Everything should be OK and you should receive output similar to this:
================================== JAVAGALICIAN LOCALE CHECKS ================================== Checking environment... > Checking Java version: [1.6.0_11] [OK] Available locales are: [ja_JP, es_PE, en, ja_JP_JP, es_PA, sr_BA, mk, es_GT, ar_AE, no_NO, sq_AL, bg, ar_IQ, ar_YE, hu, pt_PT, el_CY, ar_QA, mk_MK, sv, de_CH, en_US, fi_FI, is, cs, en_MT, sl_SI, sk_SK, it, tr_TR, zh, th, ar_SA, no, en_GB, sr_CS, lt, ro, en_NZ, no_NO_NY, lt_LT, es_NI, nl, ga_IE, fr_BE, es_ES, ar_LB, ko, fr_CA, et_EE, ar_KW, sr_RS, gl, es_US, es_MX, ar_SD, in_ID, ru, lv, es_UY, lv_LV, iw, pt_BR, ar_SY, hr, et, es_DO, fr_CH, hi_IN, es_VE, gl_ES, ar_BH, en_PH, ar_TN, fi, de_AT, es, nl_NL, es_EC, zh_TW, ar_JO, be, is_IS, es_CO, es_CR, es_CL, ar_EG, en_ZA, th_TH, el_GR, it_IT, ca, hu_HU, fr, en_IE, uk_UA, pl_PL, fr_LU, nl_BE, en_IN, ca_ES, ar_MA, es_BO, en_AU, sr, zh_SG, pt, uk, es_SV, ru_RU, ko_KR, vi, ar_DZ, vi_VN, sr_ME, sq, ar_LY, ar, zh_CN, be_BY, zh_HK, ja, iw_IL, bg_BG, in, mt_MT, es_PY, sl, fr_FR, cs_CZ, it_CH, ro_RO, es_PR, en_CA, de_DE, ga, de_LU, de, es_AR, sk, ms_MY, hr_HR, en_SG, da, mt, pl, ar_OM, tr, th_TH_TH, el, ms, sv_SE, da_DK, es_HN] ---------------------------------- Checking: gl ---------------------------------- Checking date formatting... > Checking full date format: [xoves 31 de decembro de 2009 23H59' CET] [OK] > Checking long date format: [31 de decembro de 2009 23:59:59 CET] [OK] > Checking medium date format: [31-dec-2009 23:59:59] [OK] > Checking short date format: [31/12/09 23:59] [OK] --- Checking number formatting... > Checking decimal number format: [23.124.213,456] [OK] > Checking currency format: [23.124.213,46 ] [OK] --- Checking collation... > Checking word order: [atómico, Átomo, atónito, Átono] [OK] --- Checking locale naming... > Checking country names: [Arxentina, Alemaña, Noruega] [OK] > Checking language names: [castelán, alemán, noruegués] [OK] --- Checking Time Zone naming... > Checking timezone names: [Hora de verán de Europa Central] [OK] ---------------------------------- Checking: gl_ES ---------------------------------- Checking date formatting... > Checking full date format: [xoves 31 de decembro de 2009 23H59' CET] [OK] > Checking long date format: [31 de decembro de 2009 23:59:59 CET] [OK] > Checking medium date format: [31-dec-2009 23:59:59] [OK] > Checking short date format: [31/12/09 23:59] [OK] --- Checking number formatting... > Checking decimal number format: [23.124.213,456] [OK] > Checking currency format: [23.124.213,46 ] [OK] --- Checking collation... > Checking word order: [atómico, Átomo, atónito, Átono] [OK] --- Checking locale naming... > Checking country names: [Arxentina, Alemaña, Noruega] [OK] > Checking language names: [castelán, alemán, noruegués] [OK] --- Checking Time Zone naming... > Checking timezone names: [Hora de verán de Europa Central] [OK] --------------------------------------------------- GALICIAN LOCALE gl AVAILABLE AND CORRECT --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- GALICIAN LOCALE gl_ES AVAILABLE AND CORRECT ---------------------------------------------------